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Meet the Scientists

Meet Nell Bond, Post Doctoral Fellow at Tulane University Meet the Scientists

Meet Nell Bond, Post Doctoral Fellow at Tulane University

Nell Bond’s fascination with infectious diseases started all the way back in her high school AP Biology class, after her teacher recommended The Hot Zone, a nonfiction novel that shaped the public perception of viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks. Now as she looks toward becoming a Junior Faculty member, Bond reflects on what she has learned thus far in her career.…
Michelle McGraw
June 23, 2023
Meet Mambu Momoh, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium Researcher and PhD Student Meet the Scientists

Meet Mambu Momoh, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium Researcher and PhD Student

When Mambu Momoh first started volunteering as a Laboratory Technician at Kenema Government Hospital (KGH) in Sierra Leone, he never imagined he would one day become a published researcher who would receive global recognition for his tenacity and dedication to science in the face of unimaginable odds. As Momoh recounts, his lab diagnosed the first case of Ebola in Sierra…
Michelle McGraw
March 31, 2023